Essay / Use of Tone, Irony, and Humor in The Hammon and the Beans
Use of Tone, Irony, and Humor in The Hammon and the BeansErnest Hemingway once explained, “ A writer's problem doesn't change. He himself changes and the world he lives in changes but his problem remains the same. It's always about how to really write and, having found what is true, project it in such a way that it becomes part of the experience of the person reading it. The attitude and “projection” with which the author creates a story constitutes the tone. A difficult aspect of writing to master, tone is what takes a piece of writing from satisfactory to exemplary. In The Hammon and the Beans, Americo Paredes incorporates tone in a way that allows the reader to understand the two-sided situation, as the characters lead happy but difficult lives. By including contradictory statements, irony, and comedy in the story, Paredes shows his ability to use tone in order to construct a complex work with pure grace. Opposition is an important nuance present in Hammon and the Beans. Throughout the narrative, Paredes incorporates contradictory statements that are used for two purposes. The first use of these argumentative ideas is to clearly describe the setting of the story for the reader. In the first paragraph, the grandfather's house is described as "...a large frame house painted a dirty yellow", which was in "...a quiet neighborhood at least, too far from the center- city for automobiles and too close for musical drunks and wandering at night (p. 274) In these two descriptions of setting there are contradictions because a big house is generally positive, while dirt is negative (although). the yellow itself is not normal...... middle of paper ......which contributes to its overall impression of the story By adding a comical tone to the story, l. The author gives the reader the opportunity to identify and better understand the situation in which the characters are involved, because it is in the pure human nature of laughter, which when done effectively. incorporated into a work, can make it exceptional, and certainly worth reading The Hammon and the Beans is an example of a story in which tone is used extraordinarily well by including the opposition between statements and characters,. Thought-provoking irony and sensitive humor encourage the reader to share the characters' emotions by projecting them in a subtle way. Thanks to his involvement, the reader can understand the lives of the characters more completely, from their difficulties. moments of pure joy.