
  • Essay / ANIMAL TESTINGAnimal testing has been around for...

    Animal testing has been around for centuries, not only as a way to “safely” test new and improved drugs, but also as guinea pigs for well-known makeup products and facial treatments. healthcare providers. A topic that has been the subject of much discussion lately is one that is not discussed lightly. The topic has main elements: people who believe that although animal testing is immoral, it is necessary for future exploration in the medical and scientific fields. And people who believe that this is not a moral act, that testing and treating animals goes against the idea that they are a living organism and crosses the line into animal abuse. A subject that has been taken extremely seriously in recent days. So, is there a time when animal testing is a benefit or is it wrong and abusive in all circumstances? The FBR, the Foundation for Biomedical Research, is considered "the country's oldest and largest organization dedicated to improving human and veterinary health by promoting public understanding." and responsible animal research. » The goal is to test on animals in a way that is not harmful while still allowing us to understand how the human body would react to certain drugs and scientific advances. The list of reasons why animals contribute to research is long. A British creation has created a website that lists the top 40 reasons why animal testing contributes to human longevity. Statements such as "We share 95% of our genes with a mouse, making it an effective model for the human body" and "Animals suffer from diseases similar to humans, including cancer, tuberculosis, influenza and asthma, as well as many others. The argument still prevails: when do we cross the threshold of a morally reprehensible act? However, the UK website also makes a point of listing current successes... middle of article... the drug development and testing process" and they stated that the scientific studies there are more effective and efficient than these. those tested on animals in other laboratories. The debate is far from over, and questioning weather conditions, these animal tests, while sometimes deadly and immoral, actually help create a safer environment for humans too. Organizations like PETA will continue to corrupt and expose animal abuse in science, and they might be right. Science is a complex and mysterious anomaly and, yes, there is an answer, but getting there is sometimes a misconstrued and dangerous path. So, until there is a 100% effective alternative to animal testing, scientists and doctors will continue to test on animals. The only solution to put an end to it is to find another alternative, which is a science in its own right...