
  • Essay / Survey of Scientology Beliefs

    A cult is defined as “a system of religious reverence and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object” (“Cult,” n.d.). Scientology is a cult, not a religion. Many of those who are part of the “Church of Scientology” believe that they are doing good things, that they believe that they are helping the world and that they are becoming a better person as a result. Scientologists are brainwashed into thinking that what they do is the most important work and that they are doing the work to help humanity, thus becoming a better person and giving them the highest moral standards than anyone else can reach. Say no to plagiarism. Get a custom essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get the original essayFor some, Scientology saved their lives and made them better people. For others, Scientology has destroyed everything that had meaning in their lives and ruined their perspective on what they actually believe and think in this world. For those whom Scientology has saved and improved, it is only a matter of time before they become the person whose life Scientology ruined. Give it time, it will happen. When this happens, prepare yourself for what is to come. I always thought Scientology was simply a different “religion” than the one I knew growing up. I had no idea that this was a toxic and damaging environment for every person involved in “the church.” I grew up in a Lutheran church and attended Sunday school and church service with my parents almost every Sunday until I was a teenager and was able to make the decision for myself whether or not to go to church. When it came time for me to make this decision, I chose to join the youth group at church, mainly because I had a lot of friends in the youth group, and there was also this boy who I loved and who was heavily involved in the youth group. band. Looking back, I wasn't involved in the Church for the right reasons, and it's the same struggle that I'm sure Scientologists can agree with. Scientology was invented by L. Ron Hubbard. L. Ron Hubbard is quoted as saying, “Writing a word for a penny is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to found his own religion” (Jacobsen, 2016). The only countries that have recognized Scientology as a religion are Australia, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and the United States of America. . There are many other countries that do not recognize Scientology as a religion; Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Greece and the United Kingdom (Jacobsen, 2016). The Church of Scientology owed millions of dollars in back taxes to the United States IRS and ultimately did not have to pay them because it was eventually established as a "church" and official “religion”. Those who know anything about the Church and their religion, the actual truth, know that the Church is a complete lie and a multi-billion dollar corporation that sucks every penny out of its members. Scientology is always up to date with the latest trends, and does its best to ensure that they run advertisements that are attractive to outsiders. Most of their photos and posters promoting Scientology are gold in color, as well as elite designs that are creative and attract the attention of those nearby. For those who are young and don't know much about the world, it would be easy for them to be attracted to the tall buildings, the big colorful signs and the promises that.”