Essay / The Origin of Life: Creationists and Evolutionists
In northwest Australia, a barren outcrop of basalt, one of the oldest rocks on Earth, lies exposed to the sun. The volcanic material, which formed at the bottom of an ancient ocean, is home to the "oldest solid evidence" of life. According to Roger Buick, rocks 3.5 billion years old contain traces of carbon made up at one time by living organisms. Creationists believe that God created man, but scientists believe that there is a natural explanation for life. Scientists recognize that life began when chemistry gave rise to biology. This means that simple molecules are assembled into complex molecules and begin to self-replicate. In 1970, researchers at the University of Oregon discovered that, unexpectedly, the entire ecosystem grows around hot springs on the Pacific sea floor. These vents could have provided the basic molecular organisms and energy needed to spark life. Additionally, other scientists claim that life originated in ice. Grains became the yeast of life through the multiplication of varied numbers and contributed to their adaptation to climates and soils. Scarcity of water and less bounty of soils place prodigious efforts on the part of the land to extract enough food for terrestrial species to survive and live. The demands of the Earth were able to shape the human land with devotion and patience during sacrificial rituals. The most widespread human occupation on Earth is agriculture transmitted by graft, sweat and toil, because it is a prerequisite for the survival of humanity (np 3). Water on earth is always moving and the water cycle (hydrological cycle) describes its continuous movement on the Earth's surface, above and below. Throughout the cycle, water takes three forms: solid (ice), liquid (water) and gaseous (water vapor). The three basic steps in water......middle of paper......urbanization. Therefore, the city has a limited capacity to provide for all its residents when faced with a natural disaster. Additionally, fresh water bodies have decreased due to global warming activities due to changes in weather conditions. This is due to sporadic rainfall which prevents replenishment of fresh water bodies. It is clear that water is being overused by humans due to increasing population demand. The use of chemicals in agricultural practices has affected the quality of agricultural soils. This led to increased food shortages and many lands became arid. Finally, humans overexploit natural minerals like oil, gold and diamonds, which are rare commodities. For example, oil production takes millions of years to form. However, man has continued to exploit this resource at a faster rate due to urbanization..