
  • Essay / Personality: Genetically inherited or developed

    The main differentiation between human beings lies in an individual's personality. A person's personality lies in the individual's overall profile or the unique blend of psychological character qualities that relate to that individual's distinctive nature. The individual's distinctive blend of psychological aspects guides how that specific human being reacts and interacts with others or their environment. A person's character contains a set of mental peculiarities that mimic the way a person feels, thinks, and acts. Various specialists have asked themselves what is the major aspect that establishes personality: is personality inherited genetically or does it develop gradually through experience? I'm sure many of us have often heard comments like, "He acts that way because that's how he was raised!" or “He acts just like his father!” This is where the debate arises: which is more imperative when formulating your personality: human nature or nurture? Does an individual's personality depend on the environment in which someone lives their life or on inheritance through genetic inheritance? Personality: genetically inherited or developed As psychologists indicate, the most rational answer to which is The most imperative when developing your personality is neither one nor the other, but the combination of the two factors: the experience/education/environment factor and the genetic factor. Therefore, heredity sets the limits of the personality traits that can be developed, while the environment – ​​signified by situational, cultural and social factors – persuades actual development within the limits. Cultural factors relate to middle of paper...... and expected reactions to events, Were your behavioral and emotional characteristics "fixed" during childhood and have you changed since then? For me I believe that the theories stated above have their factual side as well as their false side, anyway, in an uncertain world like the one we were in, the method with which we behave and think in specific situations is probably the most uncertain of all. .Works CitedCarver, C. and Scheier, M. (2004). Perspectives on Personality (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson. Cornelius, R., Hockenbury, D. and Hockenbury, S. (2009). (5th ed.), New York: Worth PubFeist, J. and Feist, GJ (2002). Theories of Personality (5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. McLeod, S.A. (2007). Debate in psychology. Retrieved from