Essay / The Dangers of Texting While Driving - 1247
“Hey guys, don’t look at your hands,” is not something a family member or friend ever wants to hear from a friend or of a loved one in a text message, especially when that person is being driven. The use of a cell phone is now considered a necessity by drivers currently on the road. People need to be in constant social contact with their friends. Many people have to constantly send messages to their friends and family members using a cell phone while driving. More and more drivers want to use their cell phones while driving. This dangerous mixture can even prove fatal. “As one researcher concluded, a cell phone distracts attention from routines that would provide a good representation of the driving environment” (quoted in Seppa 3). So how dangerous can texting while driving actually be? According to Monash University, “drivers who use handheld devices while driving are four times more likely to be involved in crashes serious enough to cause injury” (quoted in Wilson 1). This is not a good thing because there are thousands of divers on the road at any given time. The University of Utah reports: "Using a cell phone while driving, whether handheld or hands-free, delays the driver's response as much as having a blood alcohol level at the legal limit of 0.08 percent." (quoted in Wilson 1). With more drivers, this brings the possibility of an accident occurring. “The time it takes to get there averages 4.6 seconds, which would be the equivalent of traveling the length of a football field at 55 mph without vision.” (Wilson1). Carnegie Mellon reports that “cell phone use reduces the amount of brain activity associated with driving by 37 percent” (quoted in Wilson 1). The Nation...... middle of paper ......w.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,7-123-1593_3504_22760-238359--,00.html#noprintHuber, Jeremy. Personal interview. November 24, 2013. Schultz, Nick. Telephone interview. November 22, 2013.Jackson, Nancy Mann. “Don't text on Drv: why you should log out while driving. » Current adolescent health, March 2011: 6+. Academic health reference center. Internet. November 6, 2013. Seppa, Nathan. “Percussive Distraction: Talking while driving presents dangers that drivers seem unable to see. » Science News 184.4 (2013):20-24. Reader's Guide Full Text Mega. Internet. November 6, 2013. “National Safety Council reviews new study on brain's ability to drive and use cell phones safely.” » Entertainment Close-up June 17, 2013. Academic Health Reference Center. Internet. November 6, 2013. Wilson, HW “April is National Distracted Driving Month. »57, No. 4: 14. Full text of applied sciences and technology. EBSCO Accessed November. 18, 2013.