Essay / Orson Welles in Citizen Kane - 533
Orson Welles in Citizen KaneOrson Welles produced, directed and starred in Citizen Kane, the classic masterpiece that communicates its original narrative through cinematography, lighting, music , revolutionary decor, sound and performances. The film has underlying symbols in every shot and uses countless cinematic devices to convey meaning. One of the many implications of Citizen Kane is strongly embodied in the sequence of Kane and his wife Susan in their palace, Xanadu. Welles' choice of camera shots, direction, and movement in this sequence is used effectively to symbolize the inferiority of women to men. The way Susan Alexander is filmed in this sequence is perhaps the most obvious indication of how women are portrayed in this film. . The majority of Susan's shots are medium or close shots; in fact, almost every close-up in the entire film is Susan's. These close-up shots, especially when taken in moderate to high lighting, make Susan look youthful, vulnerable....