
  • Essay / Review of Sapphire's book, Push

    When people hear the word self-esteem, they think of a lot of things. Strength, power, individuality, courage. Self-esteem is when you have the confidence to think and act effectively (6 pillars of healthy self-esteem, Nathaniel Branden). In Sapphire's novel Push, the main character Precious, being an only child and growing up in a broken home, doesn't seem to have much of one. With a mother who beats her and a father with whom she had a child, there isn't much self-confidence. Precious faces these obstacles. Precious must choose between being able to overcome these insecurities that only seem to tear her down, or running in the other direction. Most people in life have insecurity issues regarding their weight, appearance, and acceptance by others. The way you can overcome these three insecurities is to find confidence in yourself, which builds your self-esteem, and having a good support system that has your back no matter what. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay. Precious has dreams like everyone else. She dreams of success, love, being happy, etc. “I......, in my own world, I'm so pretty, like an ad man in a commercial... (Sapphire (Precious) 35) Precious, in her head, created a world where she was the one she wanted to be. Perfect, beautiful, worthy, happy... But creating a place doesn't make it effective. This doesn't get anyone anywhere. Precious has yet to understand the true definition of self-esteem. There is never a good time for self-esteem to arise. It can happen at any time and any place. Precious had a difficult childhood. Dealing with abuse from her mother every day, going to school and being bullied wasn't easy. Not only that, but Precious was pregnant again. Being confronted with that wasn't much fun either. “This bitch is stopping me from going to class. I like the maff class. »(Sapphire (Precious) 7). It's a place where she feels comfortable. A place where Precious feels like she belongs. Life at home may have been difficult, but when she got to school, it was one of the few classes she looked forward to. Something she wanted to learn. Precious's self-esteem may have been low, due to her mother not caring about her life, but it showed a little more each day. Precious went through a difficult time in her life. She has another baby. It's really hard. Being only 16 and having had a second child. She wanted to disappear. Leave and never come back. But something happened. Someone has arrived. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Jones, so sorry.” (Sapphire 17) When no one was there for her, this nurse was. “I cry for myself that no one has ever held before.” (Sapphire (Precious) 18). Realizing that she can get to where a person needs to be in life, she may shed a few tears. Let it all out. Not only is it healthy to cry, but feel-good chemicals are released into the body every time a person cries tears of sadness. Refuse to wander into a life stuck in the past. Stuck in misery with a feeling of drowning all the time. It’s a feeling that Precisou understands very well. Seeing yourself as fat, ugly, undesirable, dirty, etc. A feeling that was no longer sought after. The thoughts that were intended have disappeared. After a while, that's what happened "I think a lot about my future... all the time" (Sapphire (Precious) 124) That there are more important things in life than to be depressed. Being strong not only for yourself but also for others is also part of..