Essay / A pleasant person is a disciplined person - 734
From the study and analysis, the main conclusions are as follows: • There is a positive relationship between agreeableness and discipline, conscientiousness and discipline and between openness to experience and discipline. This implies that individuals with Agreeableness as a personality type adjust their behavior based on others. High scorers are generally polite and like people. Low scorers tend to “tell it like it is.” On the other hand, individuals who fall into the conscientious personality type category are honest and hardworking and therefore more disciplined. • There is no relationship between extraversion and discipline and neuroticism and discipline. This implies that the extraversion personality trait of seeking fulfillment from sources outside oneself or within the community is less disciplined. Additionally, individuals with the neurotic personality trait tend to be more emotional, which is why they are less disciplined. High scorers tend to be very social while low scorers prefer to work on their projects alone. • The overall analysis shows that there is a positive relationship between the personality and discipline of the individual. • In terms of grievance handling in the organization, there is a positive effect but weak relationship between extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness and the individual's grievance handling ability. • However, individuals with neurotic personality type are ineffective in handling grievances within the organization. between personality and the handling of grievances in the organization. Managers who have a strong personality are very disciplined and at the same time are good at...... middle of paper ...... rigor, extroversion and openness to experience have an impact positive on grievances. This means that individuals who have a neurotic personality are ineffective in handling grievances. On the other hand, individuals who are agreeable, outgoing, conscientious, and open to experience personality types are effective in handling grievances. The study comes to the conclusion that there is a close relationship between overall personality and discipline and personality and grievances. Personality therefore plays a major role in determining how managers handle problems in the workplace. The state of effectiveness and ineffectiveness depends on the personality type of the individual. The stronger the personality, the more disciplined the individual and therefore more effective in handling grievances. They are more balanced managers and therefore very effective..