Essay / Community Media, Skill Development and Empowerment in India
The reason for this research lies in the fact that the expansion of alternative media channels in India has triggered a new dimension of mass media channels, especially in terms of their role in the skills development process. at the grassroots level. The aim of this research is to study how community radio initiatives in India have become a powerful participatory communication medium for empowering disadvantaged and marginalized communities in terms of skill development. A responsible citizen is a central aspect of democracy. As Aristotle says, “A citizen is one who plays the dual role of ruler and subject,” that is, a responsible citizen is one who necessarily participates in the process of governance. This is where the importance of the role that the media, that is to say the fourth power, must play in a parliamentary democracy like ours lies. Ashish Sen (Media Development, Bangalore) highlights the relevant and proactive role played by the media in India. He says: “In terms of reach and access, India's print and broadcast media are strong: around 60% of urban Indians and 25% of rural Indians read print regularly, and 96% of the country is reached through radio . ". Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get an original essayThe high degree of commercialization of news channels and the growing harmful influence of a privileged few on the type and nature of the problems put forward, the never Ending the obsession with the occasional effect of policies on the privileged class provides the people with partial and, to some extent, misleading information. misleading voters and the use of media as a propaganda tool and other similar obstacles calls for a different manifestation of media in which they should play a very neutral and growth-oriented role, as in the case of community media. As we increasingly turn to market-driven consumerist and commercial ideals, the role of community media as a whole becomes particularly relevant and sacrosanct. Unlike mainstream media which primarily aims to serve a broad, general audience for commercial purposes, community media aims to serve those who do not have other channels capable of amplifying their voices, without seeking to profit from these efforts. . Community media arises from dissatisfaction with mainstream media and serves to provide an alternative media channel to the community. Community radio is an essential component of community media. Community radio has its origins in the fundamental principles of democracy which necessarily imply equal and active participation in civic affairs and freedom of expression. Community radio therefore responds to the interests of these groups. It is therefore obvious, to the point of banality, that the low level of literacy and the even lower awareness of society definitely constitute a handicap for them. Therefore, community radio has become an important medium for development and social change, providing communities with a platform to communicate on local issues, news and challenges that directly affect their daily lives. It has also demonstrated many positive attributes that help preserve local culture, give the community a voice and the ability to express its identity, and empower the community with direct positive effects on democracy (Mtimde, 2000;.