
  • Essay / Canndomble Originating from Brazil is a religion of...

    Canndomble originated in Brazil in the 19th century. This religion is dedicated to its African roots and the name was created based on many African religious traditions. This religion's close connection with Afro-Brazilian religions and its connection "with the ways of the old Africans" was famously formed in the city of Salvador da Bahia or Bahia (Murphy). The goal of Candomble is to embody the ancestors and create a link between “the royal powers of Africa and their children of Brazil” (Murphy). In performing ceremonies for the spirits, the actions of the group of worshipers are called "making candomblé", which is mainly referred to when dancing to drum music (Murphy). Like many other syncretized religions, resistance to "racism and cultural hegemony" played an important role and drove a deep divide between slaves and slave masters (Mitchell). At this time, slave owners feared that the slaves would become powerful enough to control the city and form organized rebellions, due to the ideologies and beliefs learned from this unrecognized religion that the slaves practiced. However, they...