Essay / Global Warming Essay - 1320
Global warming is one of the most serious problems facing the human species today, and yet the majority of the population does not pay attention to it. People are not aware of the dangers and do not care much because the main effects will affect the next generation and not themselves. Global warming is happening and is causing climate change and extreme weather events such as earthquakes, floods and wildfires. Global warming is caused by the lifestyle of societies and these lifestyles are destroying the environment and affecting the whole world. The use of cars, trains, planes, as well as the waste of energy for people's entertainment has a price; this price is that society is in danger. The common definition of global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants (Global Warming, Wikipedia). In addition, the effects of global warming will lead to ecological and social changes. Since there is no accurate way to predict the effects of global warming, it is almost impossible to say how much global warming will affect life in the future. Scientists attribute rising temperatures to the effect of greenhouse gases, combined with society's greenhouse gas emissions. The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases and is re-emitted in all directions. Since some of this radiation is reflected back toward the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere, it results in a rise in the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of gas (Group of intergovernmental experts on climate change). Simply, on a global scale... middle of paper ... extreme weather and melting ice caps are indicators of global warming. Since these things will affect society, important decisions need to be made, now and in the future, to secure people's lives and way of life. The global community is aware of this serious problem and is already preparing projects to slow down global warming, but these still need to be improved. If world leaders stop worrying about this issue, future generations could be in danger. Future lifestyles will be affected by decisions made today. The company has much to improve to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There are also small things people can do to help. Individuals can live their lives without wasting energy or polluting the environment. Effortlessly, global warming endangers the quality of life of future generations.