
  • Essay / Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Wild Friday?...

    Robinson Crusoe: Wild Friday? By definition, a savage is an uncivilized person. Friday would not fit that description because he was civilized. He was a product of the civilization that surrounded him where he came from. His appearance, behaviors, and beliefs were those of every other member of what could be called his tribe. The mere fact that he has religious beliefs proves that he is somewhat civilized. A savage can also be considered any non-European person or thing. Obviously, Friday was not European, but his features did not conform to what would normally be considered savage. He is described as having a very good face, not a fierce and surly appearance, he also had all the gentleness and gentleness of a European in his face, his hair was long and black, not curly like wool, the color of his skin was not quite black, but very tawny; and yet not an ugly, nauseating tawny yellow, as are the Brazilians, Virginians and other natives of America, and his nose is small, not flat like the negroes, a very good mouth, thin lips and his beautiful teeth placed, and white as ivory (Defoe 205). When the two characters meet, Friday approaches Robinson Crusoe in a very calm manner, Friday is terrified but he does not attack Robinson Crusoe. It does not appear in any way savage, fierce or barbaric. He initially uses sign language to communicate, which indicates knowledge of some sort of primitive language. He quickly learns the language of Robinson Crusoe and is eager to learn more while Robinson Crusoe avoids learning the language of Friday. It is obvious that Friday has religious or spiritual beliefs from the beginning. When Robinson Crusoe saves Friday from the savages who brought him to the island to devour him, Friday is extremely grateful and he offers himself as an eternal servant of Robinson Crusoe. Finally he places his head flat on the ground, near my foot, and places my other foot on his head, as he had done before; after that I made every conceivable sign of subjugation, servitude, and submission, to let me know how he would serve me as long as he lived (Defoe 206). After it became clear that Friday posed no threat, Robinson Crusoe was grateful for his presence. Friday would become a valuable asset to the daily activities of Robinson Crusoe's home. Everything that Robinson Crusoe had filled his days with before Friday came had become easier thanks to the hands of two men rather than one. Friday's ability to work as diligently as he does is an indication of his civilization. In addition to Friday learning to speak his language, Robinson Crusoe also tried to change his eating habits. Friday was a cannibal like the ones who brought him to the island in the first place. He enjoyed consuming flesh and Robinson Crusoe made it clear on Friday that this was not acceptable behavior. In reference to the savages that Robinson Crusoe had saved from on Friday, signaling to me that we should dig them up again and eat them (Defoe 206). I discovered that Friday still had a stomach hungry for flesh, and that he was still a cannibal in his nature. I had let him know, by some means, that I would kill him if he offered it (Defoe 208). In time, Robinson Crusoe teaches Friday to eat the meat of animals rather than humans. When asked about his religious beliefs, Friday does not understand at first, but eventually he speaks of an old Benamuckee, who has lived beyond all (Defoe 216). After many questions, Robinson Crusoe took on..