
  • Essay / Causes, symptoms and difficulties associated with dyslexia

    The term dyslexia refers to a learning disorder characterized by difficulty reading. It is a learning disorder that changes the way the brain processes written material. Difficulties with word recognition, spelling, decoding and reading comprehension make the task even more difficult. This disability changes the way the brain processes written material. People with dyslexia not only have difficulty reading and spelling, but they may also have difficulty writing. Dyslexia is the most common type of learning disability. There are 3 points of dyslexia that I would like to discuss: causes, symptoms and difficulties that people with dyslexia face. All of these points are important to help you understand and learn more about this disability. Let's start with some of the theories thought to contribute to this disability. Scientists don't know the exact cause of dyslexia, but they do know that genes play a role in the condition because the disability is hereditary. Additional suggested causes for dyslexia are brain damage and inherited neurological abnormalities that are not associated with brain damage. However, the most common causes of dyslexia would be brain damage, stroke, or other types of injuries. A brain injury does not necessarily refer to an accident, it can also be the result of a lack of oxygen during childbirth. As you can see, several factors can contribute to this learning disability. Symptoms of dyslexia, as I mentioned, include difficulties with reading and writing. Dyslexia is often applied to people who habitually reverse the letters of words, reading "seen" for "was", for example; or reverse the letters themselves, reading "b" for "d" and "p" for "q". Illegible writing...... middle of paper degree. Coach Pringle said he knew his dyslexia would never go away, so what he learned to do was trick his eyes into what he should see instead of what he actually sees . The challenges that people with dyslexia face can be very difficult. My little brother is dyslexic. I have witnessed the daily challenges he faces at school as well as the emotional struggles he faces. He has to work very hard to accomplish any job, but he is very intelligent. Children sometimes treat it differently because they don't understand dyslexia. However, I know that with the right help, people with dyslexia can learn to overcome it and be successful. If you know someone with dyslexia, it is important to always encourage them and not make fun of them. I hope this has helped you better understand what dyslexia is and what people with this common disability face..