Essay / God's forgiveness of God - 1113
God's forgiveness is based on his initiative of mercy, on the riches of God's grace, and God's free gift to us is Christ his son, not just Christ As the means or channel by which redemption or forgiveness comes to us, Christ is surely the instrument by which and by whose work God's forgiveness comes to us, but Christ having in himself God's forgiveness for us. God himself "gave the only Son" to die as a sacrifice for our sins, God's forgiveness is accomplished in the gift of his son, and the act of forgiveness and the forgiven are in the kingdom of Christ, the given son. , "God in Christ has forgiven us, that God in Christ his only begotten son, giving him as a propitiation for our sins." Elect/Election and "In Christ" Here the election we are speaking of is not that of Israel as persons for special privileges and for special service, or of individuals for office or for achievement. of special service, but the election of individuals to be children of God and heirs of eternal glory. Election is commonly understood as an expression from all eternity of the sovereign will of God in His divine good pleasure, with its realization through the objective work of Christ and the subjective operations of the Holy Spirit, it is unconditional. JI Packer gives an excellent definition of the biblical truth of election: The verb elect means "to select or choose." The biblical doctrine of election is that before creation, God selected from the human race, intended as fallen, those whom he had chosen. would redeem, bring to faith, justify and glorify in and through Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:28-39; Eph. 1:3-14; 2 Thess. 2:13-14; 2 Tim. 1:9-10 ). ). This divine choice is an expression of free and sovereign grace, because it is in the middle of a paper... the purpose of God's choice could be accomplished. Here it says that He chose us "that we should be holy and without blemish before Him", this is sacrificial language, the metaphor is sacrificial, and it is holy because offered to God, and in as a sacrifice, it must be without blemish. . And only in Him could we be holy and without blemish. In fact, we were by nature children of wrath, there was nothing about ourselves, our spirits, souls and bodies that was without blemish, God could not accept us as offerings. But Christ, as the true sacrifice, holy and without blemish, offered himself to God on the cross, he washed away our sins and redeemed us from the wrath of God, and in Christ, in his crucifixion, our old self was been crucified, and in his resurrection. , that a new creation may be brought in, that our reasonable service as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, may be made possible.