Essay / Trinity: The Father, God The Father and God - 1151
The term trinity is used to indicate the doctrine used in the Christian faith which is interpreted as symbolizing that God is unified in his existence in three definite persons who is God . the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit (Hodgson, Juugel, Kelly, Presitge, Wainwright, 2016). The essence of understanding the Trinity is understanding that God is made up of three persons, that each person is divine, and that there is only one God (Johnson, 2014, 174-175). Theologians may debate that the term persons may not be the appropriate term in reference to the trinity simply because persons may be considered to be truly separate on the physical plane (Gordon, 2015, 485). However, in reference to God, there are not three different beings or entities, but the term In the trinity father comes first because God is the unbegotten creator who then entered the world under a physical form that is generated (Geis, 2013, 23). The father creates the son who is sent redeemed and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the father (Hill, 2013, 471). The importance of the father and son metaphor in the beliefs provides a fitting introduction to how the New Testament speaks of God (Geis, 2013, 24-25). What it means to call God “Father” is revealed in the concrete ways in which the metaphor is used to talk about Jesus, “the Son.” A full appreciation of the language requires not only attention to the particularities of the various New Testament writings (Geis, 26). The two New Testament scriptures that help prove the existence of God as a Trinity of persons are 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 and 1 Peter 1:2. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 KJV. The first verse says: “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God who operates all in all. » This scripture helps to justify the existence of God as a Trinity of persons because it reveals God's diverse and particular ways of His being. On the other hand, He still remains one God and the only God who exists and will always exist. When we think of gifts, what comes to mind is a dispensation that can only be given by the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we obtain these spiritual gifts through supernatural grace and are given by a supernatural God so that each Christian is able to fulfill the mission given to him by God. So when it comes to understanding the gifts that the Scriptures can describe, there is an understanding that God being the Trinity, there is an awareness that although there are different parts that make up God, that is in relationship with how the Church contains different gifts which constitutes a church which, like God, consists of