Essay / The Normative Theory of Racial Discrimination and...
Prior to this date, people had severe prejudice against the LGBTQ community. People said that LGBTQ people should not have the same rights as non-LGBTQ people. Many LGBTQ people were stereotyped by their appearance on television and in nightclubs people became homophobic. This has led to many discriminatory actions in the workplace and in stores, based on the influence of society's view of self, community and religious beliefs. However, although LGBTQ people have had many negative outcomes from normative theory, there are also positive influences from society through N-theory. "Go Fund Me.com", a recent donation page that tells the story of why a person should donate to your cause. (Most people who use this page belong to the minority group). Many people in society can and will be influenced by your story. Either it was read online by being shared, seen in the news or by word of mouth to donate to your cause. It all depends on the community and how much they trust your story. “Go Fund Me” can be a positive resource for normative theory. If people see that you are receiving funds, they assume they should.