Essay / Essay on Contribution of Tourism - 5622
Tourism is recognized as one of the largest and fastest growing industries, considered for its highly contributory role to the global and national economy. Besides the economic importance of tourism, it also has an impact and contribution to society, culture and the natural environment. This contribution of tourism to the economic, socio-cultural and natural environment can be considered in two ways, both positive and negative. In order to achieve or maximize the positive contribution of tourism while minimizing its negative impact or, in another way, maximize the benefits of tourism while minimizing its cost to the economy, society, its culture and its natural environment is a big challenge to take on. by the global tourism industry. while the contribution of tourism to cultural invigoration, its preservation, protection, revitalization and creation of a sense of pride among the locals for its culture, etc. can be considered an important socio-cultural advantage. In addition to this valuable contribution, its role with the host community and its indigenous populations, particularly with the less privileged classes, is an important issue. It has been observed that a large number of people benefit from casual work in informal sectors, such as cook, porter, guide, laundryman, sweeper, photographer. This employs almost 8% of the world's directly/indirectly generated workforce. of tourist activity. Tourism export value was the fourth highest, accounting for more than 8% of global export value of all international trade after automotive fuels and chemicals, generating $1 trillion annually. Value for Destinations: It was revealed that in over 150 countries, accounting for 83% of the total countries, tourism is the main source of export revenue for them. While in over 60 countries, tourism is classified as no. -1 sources of export income. In case of developing countries, tourism is considered as the main source of foreign exchange for almost 38% of the total developing countries in the world. While about 50 % of the world's underdeveloped countries depend on tourism as it remains the major source of foreign exchange. It is also seen that tourism generates 1.2 to 3.4 times more revenue on every dollar spent by a tourist towards the destination . Source: UNESCO & UNEP,2008