
  • Essay / Lab Report - 365

    Hypothesis: I can successfully add vectors.Introduction: A vector is a quantity that has magnitude (speed, force and/or length) and direction. For example, if a person is moving east at 60 mph, then they are moving east and at a speed of 60 mph. A scalar is a quantity that has only one magnitude. Common scalars include currency, mass, time, and acceleration. It wouldn't make sense to say the sweater costs $38.00 in Southwest, so we leave the direction aside. The magnitude symbol ( ), an arrow, can express the direction by its angle on a coordinate plane and its length, which is generally proposed. In this lab I also use the directional measurement unit of azimuth (Az), which is done by starting from north and rotating clockwise to the desired angle, most likely the angle of the vector. Adding vectors, either two positives, two negatives or one of each, is most easily done by solving or finding the x and y components of each vector (A, B, C,…). Here is an example of how to solve and then add vectors: Procedure: See the lab book. Data: Test 1 Magnitude (g) Direction (Az) 052C 100.00 177.00 0.052 -0.998D 100.00 270.00 -1.00 0Test error percentage (%)1 5.02 1.03 38.24 11.8Test 2 Magnitude (g) Direction (Az) -0.809 -0.588Test 3 Magnitude (g) Direction (Az) -0.848D 110.00 215.00 -0.631 -0.901Test 4 Magnitude (g) Direction (Az) 1.867C 300.0 0 138.00 2.007 - 2.229D 110.00 265.00 -1.096 -0.096 Calculation examples: (Test 2) Conclusion: I have successfully added three out of four vectors with a percentage error of 12% or less, in which the acceptable percentage error was 20% or less. Analysis: Friction between the rope and the pulley can have an effect on the laboratory because it makes the forces abnormally small. To solve this problem, cancel the friction by vibrating the force table. Another source of error can occur when someone puts the weights on the hooks of the pulleys and neglects to add the 50 grams of the hooks to their total force when pulling on that particular rope..