Essay / Psychological Analysis of Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne
Psychological Analysis of Young Goodman BrownThere are many approaches you can take to analyze literature. In Young Goodman Brown, there are many layers to reading. Using the psychological approach to literature, you can see many levels that you may not have noticed by simply reading the article. When you use psychological ideas, you become more attuned to the subtle details produced by the work. Most of the points that emerge, Freud explained through his ideas on consciousness and human sexuality. Using the psychological approach to reading literature, the layers of Young Goodman Brown are revealed and the parts are better understood. The opening paragraph of Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown is an excellent example of how Freud's ideas apply to literature. The first and most obvious implication is the woman's name. Because her name is Faith, the first connection that immediately forms is religion. At the beginning of the story the relevance presents itself vaguely, but as you read the religious connection it fits with the rest of the work. Strict puritanism ruled the way of life at the time the book came out. Hawthorne's mention of the "pink ribbons on his cap" is far from appropriate for the times. These ribbons suggest that Faith lacks purity and presents herself in a frivolous manner. Later in the writing, other references to Freude's sexual bases appear. The lonely lady Goodman Brown sees standing in the woods turns out to be his Sunday school teacher. She makes some inane comments about Brown's traveling companion "being her master." However, these layers contain more than just sex. In the paragraph where Goodman Brown exclaims, “My faith is gone!” » he exclaimed after a moment of astonishment. "There is nothing good on earth, and sin is only a name. Come, devil, for the world is given to you." This passage illustrates how his wife's name contains two meanings. First, he's upset because he lost her. However, if you apply the psychological approach to the quote, you can see that he is also referring to the fact that he lost his faith in a religious sense. He realizes that because he has strayed so far during this night of evil, he can no longer be pure. There's Much More to the Story of Young Goodman Brown Than You Read..