Essay / Motivation, Courage, and Achievement: An Analytical Review
For example, Tough expands on the results of the experiment, in which he writes: "What was the true IQ of the average 'low IQ' student?" Was it 79 or 97? You're supposed to try hard on IQ tests, and when the low IQ kids got the M&Ms to motivate them, they tried hard...they must have already had them. So actually, they didn't have low IQs at all. Their IQ was averageā (Tough 69). His commentary on the study provides insight into the role of motivation and how it can be seen as an incentive to succeed. He claims that those who performed poorly on the IQ test actually had average IQs. Fluctuation in test scores was achieved when M&Ms were provided as an incentive; thus cognitive abilities can be affected by motivation. Although I find Tough's investigation into