
  • Essay / The Importance of Poets in Society

    Poets have commented on contemporary world affairs, defended victims of tyranny, and even become pioneers of social change. Plato, a philosopher of classical Greece, while responding to the complexity of poets, concludes that they are imitators of the world: they deprave the immature and foment emotions instead of the propensity for reasoning. He deduces that poetry must be eliminated from speculative and faultless society; nevertheless, if the poetry is of any importance or has any application to a contemporary crisis, it can be used in the most appropriate way. (dnfvdb) Poets, as powerful individuals in a society, are important and influential because they challenge the status quo through revolutionary thoughts; they are a liberating voice, a messiah for oppressed citizens; they are also anti-corruption agents who lead a crusade against abuse of power at the highest levels. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get an original essay Some poets are seers whose vision can unite people by finding common ground, a noble cause; awaken the minds of the oppressed citizens of a society from their torpor and inspire them to free themselves. Such was the case of the great philosopher-poet, Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, whose struggle and ideology gave the Muslims of the subcontinent a direction to acquire an independent and autonomous Muslim state, regardless of the overwhelming obstacles in their way. path to freedom. He was a great blend of political thinker, revolutionary poet, philosopher king and visionary leader who outwitted both the Hindus and the British. Iqbal is revered by the world as a pivotal force that inspired the Pakistan movement. His presidential address at Allahabad in 1930, which expressed Muslim territorial detachment from Hindus, played a central role in the development of the "two-nation theory", while his thoughts imbued India's Muslims with a spirit of Islamic nationality. He showed his desire. The famous poet's social thought demonstrated the idiosyncrasy and duality of the social psychology and social structure of the Muslim middle class in colonial India, thus becoming the leader of Muslim intellectuals and later recognized as the "ideological founder ". of Pakistan. The notion of the inevitability of insurrection was embodied in the social philosophy of Allama Iqbal. He achieved definitive relevance in his poem “Inqilab”. Therefore, the aura of Muslim nationhood evoked by Iqbal became a critical factor in the creation of Pakistan. The trauma of witnessing social injustice in a society sometimes provokes a few who cannot bear the guilt of passivity and idleness, which is why they wish to play a role in easing their plight. These saints enlighten people about their difficult situation through the virtue of their pen and expect them to speak out against social inequalities by becoming aware of their power and their fundamental rights. The fundamental objective of the work of these authors is to make the oppressed aware of the rights they enjoy. being refused. Faiz Ahmed FaizThe iconic revolutionary poet, Faiz Ahmed Faiz was a progressive poet, associated with the progressive movement in Urdu literature. His work addresses periods of concomitant disorders. His stanzas questioned not only the anatomy of power, but also the failure of political administrations to recognize the grievances of the oppressed. (gdfgdfg) One of the poems composed by Faiz in the early 1940s which embodiesperfectly the philosophy of the progressive movement: in 1951, the Pakistani Prime Minister, Liaquat Ali Khan, ordered numerous arrests which also resulted in the imprisonment of Faiz on allegations of plans to overthrow the civilian establishment. . Through his verses, Faiz empowered the citizens of the young nation and also allowed them to see new paths for themselves. Shelley is a revolutionary and radical poet whose views are shaped by the French Revolution to some extent. In his classic, Shelley addresses the workers of England. He is anguished by the mistreatment he witnesses towards the middle class. (hghfh) Shelley incites the people to revolt as the French did: Finally, there are poets who raise their voices against corruption and the abuse of power by authorities entrusted to the upper echelons of governments for the purposes of gain private and illicit. They take responsibility for raising public awareness of all the misdeeds and delinquencies that exist in high hierarchies and kleptocracies through their poetic works, and give citizens the means to confront these bad practices of those who exploit them. William Blake was a famous rebel poet. In his poem “French Revolution,” he highlighted the corruption of the French monarchy and Church as well as the decaying feudal system. In his poem “London,” William Blake describes a very imperfect society that is hegemonized by the influence of materialism and disparity. between the working class and the privileged strata of society. It is composed of a pessimistic point of view where people who breathe in a cruel world, suffer the repercussions of the corruption of those in positions of authority. All these dilemmas exist in the same place: London, where children are sad; its citizens are victims of despicable exploitation and repression by church or state. It has transformed into a society where corruption is so rampant that the Church is used as a tool to mistreat people. A pervasive atmosphere of despair reigned in the streets of London. To sum up, Blake revolted against all those conventions, institutions and customs of society, against the tyranny of the Church and the king which cause difficulties to man. He expressed his protest as a staunch insurgent and wished for an end to all miseries, spiritual and physical. Corruption is a prominent Shakespearean theme that dominates almost all of his tragedies. He thinks of the schemes in which kings and other authoritative figures abuse their power. Corruption spreads if left unchecked and crushes social order. In Hamlet, the lust for power and greed promotes corruption which further accelerates due to manipulation. Therefore, it turns into vengeance and madness and spreads throughout Hamlet as a disease that ultimately leads to many deaths. Plato considers poetry as a power that must be incarcerated and asserts that poets generate and perpetuate lies. He admits that literature is a poignant and powerful force, and he fears that people will exploit and manipulate this force and use it for indecent and perverse purposes. Exceeding levels of creativity and poetry can be a punishment for pausing your brain and welcoming sensuality for sensuality's sake. However, there are instances when poetry elevates a person's spirit to exalted heights. Furthermore, philosophically, how does Plato, as the leading philosopher of the ancient Greek paradigm, entrench himself in a discourse and policy that is by far the most exploitative narrative there is? It's just a play on words. THE.