Essay / A Representation of Three Ages in The Road... by Robert Frost
The Road Not Taken: Representation of Three AgesIn his Explanator article, "Frost's 'The Road Not Taken'", William George suggests that the poem includes " three “distinct ages” of the narrator and focuses on the choices this person must make at different stages of his life (230). George differentiates the main speaker of the poem, what he calls the "middle-aged me", from the younger and older versions, noting that the middle-aged version mocks the other two by taking a more objective stance at with regard to his decision. Both the younger and older versions "are prone to emotion, self-deception, and self-congratulation, and both are faced with a decision that the middle-aged speaker sees with younger eyes." objectives as its young and elders” (230). George demonstrates that while the middle-aged self is capable of viewing other selves objectively without illusion or self-aggrandizement, younger and older selves are incapable of this type of objectivity in their decision-making. George's analysis is divided into two parts. ; the first part is an analysis of the relationship between the middle-aged self and the younger self, while the second part is an analysis of the relationship between the middle-aged self and the older self. In the first part of the article, George suggests that the younger self is faced with a choice between two paths, paths that the middle-aged self understands to be very similar; the younger me, however, refuses to accept their equal worth and instead deludes himself with the idea of having chosen a path less traveled (230-31). In the second part of the article, George describes how the older self is faced with a choice between telling the truth about his youthful decision or lying about it; while the middle-aged self fully recognizes that the past choice was not grand, the older self chooses to conceal this truth through deception and self-aggrandizement. (231).