Essay / Tornadoes in Oklahoma - 1487
It seems like every year Oklahoma is hit with massive storms and tornadoes that kill people and injure many others. Although some may say Oklahomans are used to being hit by storms and tornadoes, we never get used to the outcome and this year, like all others, we were hit. On May 20, 2013, an EF5 tornado began to develop and little did we know that this tornado would be talked about everywhere. This tornado caused extensive damage to homes, towns, and buildings, but what attracted so much attention was that it destroyed an elementary school, which was not protected from tornadoes, and killed seven children. According to the National Weather Service's ranking of Oklahoma's ten deadliest tornadoes (1882 to present), this specific tornado is ranked ninth, killing 23 people and injuring 237 others. Even though there was little chance we could have saved everyone, we still could have saved the children at Plaza Towers Elementary School. All they needed was a storm shelter at their school for shelter and they probably all would have survived. Oklahoma has a violent history of tornadoes, but for some reason, putting shelters in schools still hasn't become a priority. Sure, it's been talked about since the May 20 tornado and some people are trying to make it happen for schools that were directly affected, but what about other schools that weren't affected? ? On the National Public Radio Organization website, they wrote an article about how many Oklahoma schools have shelters and how many don't. The statewide survey shows that of Oklahoma's 1,804 public schools, 62 percent do not have storm shelters and only 15 percent have shelters built to withstand mid- paper...to the tools that are building or preparing to build storm shelters in their walls, at their own expense, is the first step. Helping schools that don't have money and aren't building a new school anytime soon get their own storm shelters is the second thing and making sure every school across the state of Oklahoma has A storm shelter is the last thing you should do. be done. This solution will save many lives over the years. This will take time to achieve, but it will be worth it in the long run. Schools hold Oklahoma’s future within their walls and we must do whatever it takes to protect it. Solving this problem and putting it aside will allow this state to focus on other issues. Moreover, when the problems are resolved, this state becomes even more formidable. Now let's help solve this problem and save the lives of Oklahoma's future leaders..